Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mini Split Heat Pump

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mini Split Heat Pump

Also known as ductless heat pump, the mini split heat pump is the perfect choice especially for room additions which cannot accommodate distribution ductwork. This system comes along with two components: the compressor, which is usually, placed outside, and the indoor air unit. These two components are connected through a condensate drain, suction tubing, refrigerant tubing, conduit houses and power cable. In addition to the components that this system provides, it also delivers a few important advantages and disadvantages that any potential buyer should know.

One of the advantages of getting a mini split heat pump is the fact that this unit has small dimensions. For this reason, it can be easily placed in any spaces, including small areas. Additionally, as the system comes

along with individual air-handling units, it can heat or cool different rooms. All these units are connected to only one outdoor compressor. If the building is big, requiring a large amount of hot or cool air, the homeowner must consider getting more than only one device. Furthermore, the heating and cooling requirements also depend on the building insulation. And the fact that the system comes along with a different thermostat for each area, which has an air-handling unit, allows the people to heat or cool only the rooms they need.

Another important advantage that relates to the mini split heat pump is the fact that it can be installed much easier when compared to other types of heat pumps. Besides this aspect, as this system does not have any ductwork, the users can easily avoid energy losses. Obviously, this thing leads to a very efficient functionality. And the last important advantage is the fact that the mini split heat pump ensures a great flexibility, which fits different interior design requirements. Thus, this system can be easily installed by suspending it from the ceiling or mounting it on a wall. As well, the homeowners can find floor-standing models, which can be placed in any location.

Although there are no important disadvantages, the main problem that relates to this system is its price. In most cases, a mini split heat pump costs between $1,500 and $2,000 / ton of heating and cooling capacity. The price is about 30% higher than that of most central systems. Additionally, the window and wall-mounted systems allow intruders to enter into a building quite easily. In conclusion, these are the most essential details that you should know about the mini split heat pumps prior to choosing a specific heating device for your home.